I will explore some recent results based on the interaction of operator space theory and quantum nonlocality. In particular I will emphasize the connection between large violations of Bell inqualities and certain norms in Banach and operator space categories. If time permits, I will conclude by sketching an elementary proof of a Grothendieck type inequality based on the notion of embezzlements states.
I obtained my PhD at the University of Copenahgen. After that I held a postdoctoral research grant at the Max-Planck Institute for mathematics in Bonn, and I've been a Leibniz research fellow at the Oberwolfach mathematical research institute in Germany. In 2018 I've organized an international masterclass on the Universal Coefficient theorem and its applications to C*-algebras. I am currently a postdoc at East China Normal University. My scientific interests center around operator K-theory and noncommutative topology, though I have a side interest in quantum and solid state physics.
Seminar by the NYU-ECNU Institute of Physics at NYU Shanghai