2024 NSFC-CNRS (France) Exchange and Collaboration Program

2024 NSFC-CNRS (France) Exchange and Collaboration Program

June 25, 2024

The Official Announcement in Chinese

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)


Under the agreement between NSFC and CNRS, the two sides will continue to jointly fund collaborative research projects in 2024. Please refer to the official announcement for more details.


Funding Areas:

  1. Evolution and dynamics of biodiversity under different natural and anthropogenic constraints; Please select the corresponding subordinate code under Department C for application code 1, and it is recommended to select to the last level.
  2. Natural hazards and extreme events; Please select the corresponding subordinate code under Department D for application code 1, and it is recommended to select to the last level.


Funding Amount & Period:
The two sides intend to support up to five projects. NSFC will provide up to 150,000 RMB per project, which will cover Chinese researchers’ travel expenses to France (economy class) and their accommodation, food, and inter-city transportation expenses in France. CNRS will provide a maximum of 20,000 euros per project, which will cover French researchers’ travel expenses to China and their accommodation, food, and inter-city transportation expenses in China.

The funding period is two years, from Mar 1, 2025 to Feb 28, 2027.



  • The applicant from China must be the PI or participant of ongoing NSFC research projects that will be closed on or after December 31, 2025 with a duration of at least three years (except for cooperation and exchange programs), and their applications must rely on the projects.
  • Research partners from France should meet the requirements given by CNRS. CNRS funding announcement: https://noa.cnrs.fr/
  • Applicants from China and France should submit their applications to NSFC and CNRS respectively.
  • This program falls into the category of International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Program but is NOT subject to the restriction that one applicant can only apply for one program in the same category in the same year.
  • This program and other NSFC-CNRS programs are mutually exclusive.
  • Please refer to the 2024 NSFC Official Program Guide for more details.


Important Dates:

By July 5, 2024 Faculty who intend to apply should notify us at shanghai.researchgrants@nyu.edu.
By Sept. 16, 2024 Please send your application to us for institutional review.
By Sept. 23, 2024 Finalize and submit your application through the NSFC online system.