2024 MOST "Inter-governmental International Science & Technology Innovation Cooperation" and Other Key Special Programs (Second Round)

2024 MOST "Inter-governmental International Science & Technology Innovation Cooperation"
and Other Key Special Programs (Second Round)

April 11, 2024
The Official Announcement in Chinese

Sponsor: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)


The 2024 MOST “Inter-governmental International Science & Technology Innovation Cooperation” Key Special Program (Second Round) and “Strategic Science & Technology Innovation Cooperation” Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Key Special Program (Second Round) are now open for application. Please refer to the official announcement for more details.


Research Directions/ Topics:
For the 2024 MOST “Inter-governmental International Science & Technology Innovation Cooperation” Key Special Program (Second Round), there are 13 research directions that will allow researchers to collaborate with 17 countries, regions, and international organizations. MOST aims to support 126 research projects with a total funding amount of about 209.9 million RMB. Please refer to the program guide and a list of its eligibility requirements attached for more information.

For the 2024 MOST “Strategic Science & Technology Innovation Cooperation” Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Key Special Program (Second Round), it aims to support 25 research projects under one research direction with an approximate funding amount of 50 million RMB in total between Mainland China and Hong Kong. The funding areas include: Biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, and Sustainable Development Engineering & Technology. Please refer to the program guide a list of its eligibility requirements attached for more information.


Application Process:

  1. All applicants need to apply via the MOST online system.
  2. The application portal for the Key Special Program will open from 8 AM on April 17, 2024, to 4 PM on June 5, 2024; The application portal for the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Key Special Program will open from 8 AM on May 13, 2024 to 4 PM on June 28, 2024.
  3. Applicants who pass MOST's first-round review will be invited to a second-round panel review and answer questions from the MOST review panel through an online meeting.


Application Eligibility:

  1. The applicant must have a senior professional title or a doctoral degree, and be born on or after January 1, 1964.
  2. PIs should commit to working at least SIX months per year on the proposed project.
  3. Each applicant can only apply for ONE project.
  4. The lead PI (PIs of sub-projects are excluded) of an ongoing National Major Research Plan, and Science & Technology Innovation 2030 – Major program, can NOT lead or participate in the application. PIs of sub-projects(课题) can participate in the application.
  5. Foreign scientists (non-Chinese citizens) and scientists from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan regions can be PIs of the Key Special Program; if they are full-time employed by the host institution, they need to submit valid labor contracts. If they are part-time employed, applicants should provide valid labor contracts with two employers. The labor contract should be submitted as part of the pre-application materials.
  6. Once the project is funded, the host institution and the PI can NOT be changed.


Important Dates:

For the Key Special Program

By April 19, 2024 Faculty who intend to apply should notify us at shanghai.researchgrants@nyu.edu.
By May 27, 2024 Please send us your application materials for an institutional review.
By May 31, 2024 Please submit your application via the MOST online system


For the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Key Special Program

By April 19, 2024 Faculty who intend to apply should notify us at shanghai.researchgrants@nyu.edu.
By June 17, 2024 Please send us your application materials for an institutional review.
By June 24, 2024 Finalize and submit your application via the MOST online system