Glen Hocky

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, NYU


Glen Hocky is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at New York University. His research interests broadly involve using (and developing new) techniques from statistical mechanics and computational modeling to better understand how molecular interactions give rise to large scale collective phenomena. The Hocky Research Group's focus lies at the intersection of chemistry, physics, biology, and materials science. 

Glen received B.S. degrees in Chemistry and Mathematics at the University of Chicago, where he did research on protein folding with Karl Freed and Tobin Sosnick. He then went to Columbia University, where he did his Ph.D. research with David Reichman. During this time, he used model glass-forming liquids to study the structural origin of dynamical arrest in supercooled liquids. Glen then returned to the University of Chicago, first as a Kadanoff-Rice postdoctoral scholar, and then as an NIH postdoctoral fellow. There he worked with Greg Voth and Aaron Dinner, and used theory and simulation to study proteins that regulate the mechanics and dynamical features of the actin cytoskeleton. 

Selected Recent Publications

  • Total synthesis of colloidal matter. Theodore Hueckel, Glen M. Hocky, and Stefano Sacanna. Nat. Rev. Mater. (2021).
  • Infinite Switch Simulated Tempering in Force (FISST). Michael J. Hartmann, Yuvraj Singh, Eric Vanden-Eijnden, and Glen M. Hocky. J. Chem. Phys. 152, 244120 (2020)
  • Ionic Solids from Common Colloids. Theodore Hueckel, Glen M. Hocky, Jeremie Palacci, and Stefano Sacanna. Nature, 580, 487-490 (2020)
  • Residue-Level Allostery Propagates Through the Effective Coarse-Grained Hessian. Peter T. Lake, Russell B. Davidson, Heidi Klem, Glen M. Hocky, and Martin McCullagh. J. Chem. Theor. Comput. (16) 5 3385-3395 (2020)
  • Mechanical and kinetic factors drive sorting of F-actin crosslinkers on bundles. Simon L. Freedman, Cristian Suarez, Jonathan D. Winkelman, David R. Kovar, Gregory A. Voth, Aaron R. Dinner, and Glen M. Hocky. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 116 (33) 16192-16197 (2019)
  • Promoting transparency and reproducibility in enhanced molecular simulations. Massimiliano Bonomi, Giovanni Bussi, Carlo Camilloni, Gareth Tribello, et al. Nat. Methods 16, 670-673 (2019)