The seminar is sponsored by NYU-ECNU Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU Shanghai.
Motivated by various biological processes, this talk first briefly introduces five typical chemotaxis models: chemotaxis-growth model, chemotaxis-haptotaxis model, chemotaxis-fluid model with signal consumption, chemotaxis-fluid model with chemical production, and chemotaxis model with indirect signal production.
Then this talk focuses on addressing a newly proposed Keller-Segel-Navier-Stokes system modeling the phenomenon of broadcast spawning, such as the coral spawning, in which eggs release a chemical that attracts sperm. We study basic mathematical features of such a model for chemotaxis-fluid interaction. More precisely, under some explicit parameter conditions, the boundedness and decay of a classical solution to the corresponding initial-boundary problem is explored in two- and three-dimensional settings.
Youshan Tao is a Professor at Department of Applied Mathematics, Donghua University. His research interests are partial Differential Equations and its Application, mathematical biology, in particular, free boundary problems, chemotaxis-haptotaxis models, chemotaxis-fluid models, cancer models.