Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order for the Bose Gas

Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order for the Bose Gas
Date & Time: 
Thursday, September 19, 2024 - 17:00 to 18:00
Quirin Vogel, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
W923, West Hall, NYU Shanghai New Bund Campus

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In this talk, we will introduce a new probabilistic method to prove off-diagonal long-range order for the ideal and trapped Bose gas, thereby establishing Bose-Einstein condensation. Central to this method is a path-integral and Poisson point representation of the Bosons. We will also discuss how a similar form of condensation occurs for the Gaussian free field. This is joint work with T. Bai, W. König, and A. Zass.


Quirin Vogel's research focuses on probability theory and its applications. He is particularly interested in random walks, the Bose gas, random algorithms, and neural networks. After completing his PhD at the University of Warwick, he joined NYU Shanghai as a Faculty Fellow in Mathematics. Following his time at NYUSH, he pursued a PostDoc at the Technical University of Munich. He is currently an interim professor at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

Seminar by the NYU-ECNU Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU Shanghai

This event is open to the NYU Shanghai community and Math community.