ChengHe Guan


Assistant Professor of Urban Science and Policy, NYU Shanghai

Founder of the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Urban Design and Urban Science (LOUD)

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DDes, Harvard University

MDes, Harvard University

MArch, Washington University in St. Louis

BArch, Southeast University

ChengHe Guan is the Founding Co-Director of the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Urban Design and Urban Science (LOUD). He is Assistant Professor of Urban Science and Policy at NYU Shanghai, Global Network Assistant Professor and Ph.D. Advisor at NYU Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. Dr. Guan is named the “Dongfang” Distinguished Professor by Shanghai Institutions of Higher Education in the field of urban and rural spatial planning in 2022. He was selected by the National Foreign Young Talents Program by the State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs of China. Dr. Guan received his master's and doctoral degrees from the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Harvard University. 

ChengHe Guan and Ying Li have published over 50 academic papers, more than 40 are in internationally renowned journals indexed in SCIE/SSCI including Nature Communications, Cities, Environmental and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Urban Forestry & Greening. 

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