Dynamic neuronal representation in the hippocampus

Dynamic neuronal representation in the hippocampus
Date & Time: 
Thursday, May 4, 2023 - 14:00 to 15:00
Prof. Jiamin Xu, East China Normal University
Room 264, Geography Building, Zhongbei Campus, East China Normal University & Hosted via Zoom

Host: Prof. Shuai Liu, East China Normal University


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The hippocampus, perhaps the most popular and well-studied area in the brain that is essential for learning and memory. And yet, we still don’t know exactly how we remembered things that happened in our childhood. In my lab, we are interested in the hippocampal neuronal firing activity during different behavior tasks. To do this, we have established a high-throughput neural observation platform that can record neuronal firing activity up to hundreds of neurons while the animal is free moving. We have also incorporated optogenetics with the electrophysiology system that is capable of both identifying neuronal types and stimulating specific neurons. In this talk, I will talk about the heterogeneity of pyramidal neurons in the dorsal hippocampal CA1 area. Then I will show some preliminary data about our recent project that focused on the neuronal representation of fear memory engrams and non-engrams in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in a auditory fear conditioning task.



Dr. Jiamin Xu is a professor (Zijiang Young Scholar) at the Institute of Brain Functional Genomics, East China Normal University. He received his Ph.D. from ECNU in 2015 and was a research assistant at ECNU (2016-2021). His research focuses on the neuronal coding heterogeneity of hippocampal pyramidal neurons during replay events, in vivo long-term ephys profile of hippocampal engrams, neuromodulatory effect on hippocampal oscillations and neuronal coding.